
The architecture of PaPy is remarkably simple and intuitive yet flexible. It consists of only four core components (classes) to construct a data processing pipeline. Each component provides an isolated subset of the functionality, which includes defining the: processing nodes, connectivity and computational resources of a workflow and further enables deployment and run-time interactions (e.g. monitoring).

PaPy is very modular, functions can be used in several places in a pipeline or re-used in another pipelines. Computational resources can be shared among workflows and processing nodes.

In this chapter we first introduce object-otiented programming in the context of PaPy, explain briefly the core components (building blocks). In later sections we revisit each component and explain the how and why.

Understanding the object-oriented model

PaPy is written in an object-oriented(OO) way. The main components: Plumber, Dagger, Pipers and Workers are in fact class objects. For the end-user it is important to distinguish between classes and class instances. In Python both classes and class instances are objects. When you import the module in your script:

import papy

A new object (a module) will be availble i.e. you will be able to access classes and functions provided by PaPy e.g.:


The name of the imported object will be papy. This object has several attributes which correspond to the components and interface of papy e.g.:


Attributes are accessed in Python using the object.attribute notation. These components are classes not class instances. They are used to construct class instances which correspond to the run-time of the program. A single class can in general have multiple instances. A class instance is constructed by “calling” (in fact initializing) the class i.e.:

class_instance = Class(parameters)

The important part is that using papy involves constructing class instances.:

worker_instance = Worker(custom_function(s), argument(s))
piper_instance = Piper(worker_instance, options)
your_interface = Plumber(options)

core components

The core components form the end-user interface i.e. the classes which the user is expected use directly.

  • NuMap - An implementation of an iterated map function which can process

    multiple tasks (function-sequence tuples) in parallel using either threads or processes on the local machine or on remote RPyC servers. NuMap instances represent computational resources.

  • Pipers(Workers) - combined define the processing nodes by wrapping

    user-defined functions and handling exceptions.

  • Dagger - defines the connectivity of the pipeline in the form of a directed

    acyclic graph i.e. the connectivity of the flow (pipes).

  • Plumber - provides the interface to set-up run and monitor a workflow at


The NuMap class

The NuMap class is provided by the separate module numap and is described further in the section about parallel and distributed workflows. Here it suffices to say that it is an object which models a pool of cumputational resources and allows to execute multiple functions using a shared pool of local or remote of workers. A NuMap can be used in any python code as an alternative to multiprocessing.Pool or itertools.imap. For details please refer to the documentation and API for numap.

object provides a method to evaluate a functions on a sequence of changing arguments provided with optional positional and keyworded arguments to modify the behaviour of the function. Just like multiprocessing.Pool.imap or itertools.imap with the key differences that unlike itertools.NuMap it evaluates results in parallel. Compared to multiprocessing.Pool.imap it supports multiple functions (called tasks), which are evaluated not one after another, but in an alternating fashion. NuMap is completely independent from PaPy and can be used separately (it is a standalone package).

evaluation In PaPy the lazy imap functions is replaced with a pool implementation NuMap, which allows for a parallelizm vs. memory requirements trade-off.

The Worker class

The Worker is a class which is created with a function or multiple functions (and the functions arguments) as arguments to the constructor. It is therefore a function wrapper. If multiple functions are supplied they are assumed to be nested with the last function being the outer most i.e.:

(f,g,h) is h(g(f()))

If a Worker instance is called this compsite function is evaluated on the supplied argument.:

from papy import Worker
from math import radians, degrees
def papy_radians(input):
    return radians(input[0])
def papy_degrees(input):
    return degrees(input[0])
worker_instance = Worker((papy_radians, papy_degrees))

In this example we have created a composite Worker from two functions papy_radians and papy_degrees. The first function converts degrees to radians the second converts radians to degrees. Obviously if those two functions are nested their result is identical to their input. papy_radians is evaluated first and papy_degrees second so the result is in degrees.

The Worker performs several functions:

  • standarizes the inputs and outputs of nodes.
  • allows to reuse and combine multiple functions into as single node
  • catches and wraps exceptions raised within functions.
  • allows functions to be evaluated on remote hosts.

A Worker expects that the wrapped function has a defined input and output signature. The input is expected to be boxed in a tuple relative to the output, which should not be boxed. For example the Worker instance expects [item], but returns just item. Any function which conforms to this is a valid Worker function. Most built-in functions need to be wrapped. Please refer to the API documentation and examples on how to write Worker functions.

If an exception is raised within any of the user written functions it is cought by the Worker, but is not raised, instead it is wrapped as a WorkerError exception and returned.

The functionality of a Worker instance is defined by the functions it is composed of and their arguments. Two Workers which are composed of the same functions and are called with the same arguments are functionally identical and a single Worker instance could replace them i.e. be used in multiple places of a pipeline or in other words in multiple Piper instances.

The functions within a Worker instance might not be evaluated by the same process as the process that created (and calls) the Worker instance. This is accomplished by the RPyC package and multiprocessing module. A Worker knows how to inject its functions into a RPyC connection instance, after this the worker method will called in the local process, but the wrapped functions on the remote host.

import rpyc # import the RPyC module from papy import Worker power = Worker(pow, (2,)) # power of two power([2]) # evaluated locally 4 conn = rpyc.classic.connect(“some_host”) power._incject(conn) # replace pow with remot pow power([3]) # evaluated remotely 9

A function can run on the remote host i.e. remote Python process/thread only if the modules on which this function depends are availble on that host and they are imported. NuMap provides means to attach import statements to function definitions using the imports decorator. In this way code sent to the remote host will work if the imported module is availble remotely.:

def match_string(input, string):
    unboxed = input[0]
    return re.match(string, unboxed)

The above example shows a valid worker function with the equivalent of the import statment attached.:

import re

The re module will be availble remotely in the namespace of this function i.e. other injected functions might not have access to re. For more informations see the NuMap documentation.

Built-in worker functions

Several classes of Worker functions are already part of PaPy. This collection is expected to grow, currently the following types of workers are included.

  • core - basic data-flow
  • io - serialisation, printing and file operations

These are available in the papy.util.func module. This includes the family of passer functions. They do not alter the incoming data, but are used to pass only streams from certain imput pipes. For example a Piper connected to 3 other Pipers might propagate input from only one.

  • ipasser - propagates the “i”th input pipe
  • npasser - propagates the “n”-first input pipes
  • spasser - propagetes the pipes with numbers in “s”

For example:

from papy.util.func import *
worker = Worker(ipasser, (0,)) # passes only the first pipe
worker = Worker(ipasser, (1,)) # passes only the second pipe
worker = Worker(npasser, (2,)) # passes the first two pipes
worker = Worker(spasser, ((0,1),) # passes pipes 0 and 1
worker = Worker(spasser, ((1,0),) # passes pipes 1 and 0

The output of the passes is a single tuple of the passed pipes:

input0 = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
input1 = [6,7,8,9,10,11]

worker = Worker(spasser, (1,0))
# will produce output
[(6,0), (7,1), ...]

Functions dealing with input/output relations i.e. data storage and serialization currently allow serialization using the pickle and JSON protocols and file-based data storage.

Data serialization is a way to convert objects (and in Python almost everything is an object) into a sequence, which can be stored or transmitted. PaPy uses the pickle serialization format to transmit data between local processes and brine (an internal serialization protocol from RPyC) to transmit data between hosts. The user might however want to save and load data in a different format.

Writing functions for Workers

A worker is an instance of the class Worker. Worker instaces are created by calling the Worker class with a function or several functions as the argument. optionally an argument set (for the function) or argument sets (for multiple functions) can be supplied i.e.:

worker_instance = Worker(function, argument)


worker_instance = Worker(list_of_functions, list_of_arguments)

A worker instance is therefore defined by two elements: the function or list of functions and the argument or list of arguments. This means that two different instances which have been initialized using the same functions and respecitve arguments are functionally equal. You should think of worker instances as nested curried functions (search for “partial application”).

Writing functions suitable for workers is very easy and adapting existing functions should be the same. The idea is that any function is valid if it conforms to a defined input/output scheme. There are only few rules which need to be followed:

  1. The first input argument: each function in a worker will be given a n-tuple of objects, where n is the number input iterators to the Worker. For example a function which sums two numbers should expect a tuple of lenght 2. Remember python uses 0-based counting. If the Worker has only one input stream the input to the function will still be a tuple i.e. a 1-tuple.
  2. The additional (and optional) input arguments: a function can be given additional arguments.
  3. The output: a function should return a single object _not_ enclosed in a wrapping 1-tuple. If a python function has no explicit return value it implicitly returns None.


single input, single ouput:

def water_to_water(inp):
  result = inp[0]
  return result

single input, no explicit output:

def water_to_null(inp):
  null = inp[0]

multiple input, single output:

def water_and_wine(inp):
  juice = inp[0] + inp[1]
  return juice

multiple input, single output, parameters:

def water_and_wine_dilute(inp, dilute =1):
  juice = inp[0] * dilute + inp[1]
  return juice

Note that in the last exemples inp is a 2-tuple i.e. the Piper based on such a worker/function will expect two input streams or in other words will have two incoming pipes. If on the other hand we would like to combine elements in the input/object from a single pipe we have to define a function like the following:

def sum2elements(inp):
    unwrapped_inp = inp[0]
    result = unwrapped_inp[0] + unwrapped_inp[1]
    return result

In other words the function receives a wrapped object but returns an unwrapped. All python objects can be used as results except Excptions. This is because Exceptions are not evaluated down-stream but are passively propagated.

Writing functions for output workers

An output worker is a worker, which is used in a piper instance at the end of a pipeline i.e. in the last piper. Any valid worker function is also a valid output worker function, but it is recommended for the last piper to persistently safe the output of the pipeline. The output worker function should therefore store it’s input in a file, database or eventually print it on screen. The function should not return data. The reason for this recommendation are related to the implementation details of the IMap and Plumber objects.

  1. The Plumber instance runs a pipeline by retrieving results from output pipers without saving or returning those results
  2. The IMap instance will retrieve results from the output pieprs without saving whenever it is told to stop before it consumed all input.

The latter point requires some explanation. When the stop method of a running IMap instance is called the IMap does not stop immediately, but is schedeuled to stop after the current stride is finished for all tasks. To do this the output of the pipeline has to be ‘cleared’ which means that results from output pipers are retrieved, but not stored. Therefore the ‘storage’ should be a built-in function of the last piper. An output worker function might therefore require an argument which is a connection to some persistent storage e.g. a file-handle.

The Piper class

A Piper instance represents a node in the directed graph of the workflow. It defines what function(s) should at this node be evaluated (via the supplied Worker instance) and how they should be evaluated (via the optional NuMap instance, which defines the uses computational resources). Besides that it performs additional functions which include:

  • logging and reporting
  • exception handling
  • timeouts
  • produce/spawn/consume schemes

To use a Piper outside a workflow three steps are required:

  • creation - requires a Worker instance, optional arguments e.g. a NuMap instance. (__init__ method)
  • connection - connects the Piper to the input. (connect method)
  • start - allows the Piper to return results, starts the evaluation in NuMap. (start method)

In the first step we define the Worker which will be evaluated by the Piper and the NuMap resource to do this computation. Computational resources are represented by NuMap instances. An NuMap instance can utilize local or remote threads or processes. If no NuMap instance is given to the constructor the itertools.imap function will be used instead. This function will be called by the Python process used to construct and start the PaPy pipeline.

PaPy has been designed to monitor the execution of a workflow by logging at multiple levels and with a level of detail which can be specified. It uses the built-in Python logging (the logging module). The NuMap function, which should at this stage be bug free logs only DEBUG statements. Exceptions within Worker functions are wrapped as WorkerError exceptions, these errors are logged by the Piper instance, which wraps this Worker (a single Worker instance can be used by multiple Pipers). By default the pipeline is robust to WorkerErrors and these exceptions are logged, but they do not stop the flow. In this mode if the called Worker instance returns a WorkerError the calling Piper instance wraps this error as a PiperError and returns (not raises) it downstream into the pipeline. On the other end if a Worker receives a PiperError as input it just propagates it further downstream i.e. it does not try meaningless calculations on exceptions. In this way errors in the pipeline propagate downstream as place holder PiperErrors.

A Piper instance evaluates the Worker either by the supplied NuMap instance (described elswhere) or by the builtin itertools.imap function (default). In reality after a Piper is connected to the input it creates a task i.e. function, data, arguments tuples, which are added to the NuMap instance used to call the imap function.

NuMap instances support timeouts via the optional timeout argument supplied to the next method. If the NuMap is not able to return a result within the specified time it raises a TimeoutError. This exception is cought by the Piper instance which expects the result, wrapped into a PiperError exception and propagated down-stream exactly like WorkerErrors. If the Piper is used within a pipeline and a timeout argument given the skipping argument should be set to true otherwise the number of results from a Piper will be bigger then the number of tasklets, which will hang the pipeline.:

# valid with or without timeouts
universal_piper = Piper(worker_instance, parallel =imap_instance, skipping =True)
# valid only with timeouts
nontimeout_piper = Piper(worker_instance, parallel =imap_instance, skipping =False)

Note that the timeouts specified here are ‘computation time’ timeouts. If for example a worker function waits for a server response and the server response does not arrive within some timeout (which can be an argument for the Worker) then if this exception is raise within the function it will be wrapped into a WorkerError and raturned not raised as TimeoutErrors.

A single Piper instance can only be used once within a pipeline (this is unlike Worker instances). Pipers are created first and connected to the input data later. The latter is accomplished by their connect method.:


If the Piper is used within a PaPy pipeline i.e. a Dagger or Plumber instance the user does not have to care about connecting individual Pipers. A Piper can only be started or disconnected if it has been connected before.:

# or

After starting a Piper the tasks are submitted to the thread/process workers in the NuMap instance and they are evaluated. This is a process that continues until either the memory “buffer” is filled or the input is consumed. Therefore a Piper``cannot be simply disconnected when it is "running". A special method is needed to tell the ``NuMap instance to stop input consumption. Because NuMap instances are shared among Pipers such a stop can only occur at “stride” boundaries, which are batches of data traversing the workflow. The Piper stop method will eventually stop the NuMap instance and put the Piper in a stopped state that allows the Piper to be disconnected.:

piper_instance.disconnect() # can be connected and started

Because the stop happens at “stride” boundary data is not lost during a stop. This can be illustraded as follows:

#           plus2            plus1
# [1,2,3,4] -----> [3,4,5,6] -----> [4,5,6,7]
# which is equivalent to the following:
# plus1(plus2([1,2,3,4])

If the Pipers plus2 and plus1 share a single NuMap and the “stride” is 2 then the order of evaluation can be (if the results are retrieved):

temp1 = plus2(1)
temp2 = plus2(2)
temp1 = plus2(3)
temp2 = plus2(4)

Now let’s assume the the stop method has been called just after plus2(1). We do not want to loose the temp1 result (as 1 has been already consumed from the input iterator and iterators cannot rewind), but we can achieve this only if plus1(temp1) is evaluated this in turn (due to the order of e valuation) can happen only after plus2(2) has been evaluated (i.e. 2 consumed from the input iterator). To not loose temp2 plus1(temp2) has to be evaluated and finally the evaluation can stop.:

temp1 = plus2(1)
temp2 = plus2(2)

After the stop method returns all worker processes/threads and helper threads return (join) and the user can close the Python interpreter.

It is very important to realize what happens with the two calculated results. As has been already mentioned a proper PaPy pipeline should have an output Piper i.e. a one that persistently stores the result.

The Dagger

The Dagger is an object to connect Piper instances into a directed acyclic graph (DAG). It inherits most methods of the DictGraph object, which is a concise implementation of a graph data-structure. The DictGraph instance is a dictionary of arbitary hashable objects i.e. the “object nodes” e.g. a Piper. The values for the objects are instances of the Node class i.e. “topological nodes”. A “topological node” instance is a also dictionary of “object nodes” and their corresponding “topological nodes”. An “object node”(A) of the DictGraph is contained in a “topological node” corresponding to another “object node”(B) if there exist an edge from (A) to (B). A and B might even be the same “object node” (self-loop). A “topological node” is therefore a sub-graph of the DictGraph instance centered around a “object node” and the whole DictGraph is a recursively nested dictionary. The Dagger is designed to store Piper instances as “object nodes” and provides additional methods, whereas the DictGraph makes no assumptions about the object type.

Edges vs. pipes

A Piper instance is created by specifiying a Worker (and optionally NuMap instance) and needs to be connected to an input. The input might be another Piper or any Python iterator. The output of a Piper (upstream) can be consumed by several Pipers (downstream), while a Piper (downstream) might consume the results of multiple Pipers (upstream). This allows Pipers to be used as arbitrary nodes in a directed acyclic graph the Dagger.

To be precise the direction of the edges is opposite to the direction of the data stream (pipes). Upstream Pipers have incomming edges from downstream Pipers this is represented as a pipe with a opposite orientation i.e. upstream -> downstream.

As a result of the above it is much more natural to think of connections between Pipers in terms of data-flow upstream –> downstream (data flows from upstream to downstream) then dependency downstream –> upstream (downstream depends on upstream). The DictGraph represents dependancy information as directed edges (downstream –> upstream), while the Dagger class introduces the concept of pipes to ease the understanding of PaPy and make mistakes less common. A pipe is nothing else then a reversed edge. To make this explicit:

input -> piper0 -> piper1 -> output # -> represents a pipe (data-flow)
input <- piper0 <- piper1 <- output # <- represents an edge (dependancy)

The data is stored internally as edges, but the interface uses pipes. Method names are explicit.:

dagger_instance.add_edge() # inherited expects and edge as input
dagger_instance.add_pipe() # expecs a pipe as input


Although all DictGraph methods are availble from the Dagger the end-user should use Dagger specific methods. For example the DictGraph method add_edge will allow to add any edge to the instance, whereas add_pipe method will not allow to introduce cycles.

Working with the Dagger

Creation of the a Dagger instance is very easy. An empty Dagger instance is created without any arguments to the constructor.:

dagger_instance = Dagger()

Optionally a set of Pipers and/or pipes can be given:

dagger_instance = Dagger(sequence_of_pipers, sequence_of_pipes)
# which is equivalent to:
# a sequence of pipers allows to easily add branches
dagger_instance.add_pipers([1, 2a, 3a, 4])
dagger_instance.add_pipers([1, 2b, 3b, 4])
# in this example a Dagger will have 6 pipers (1, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4), one
# branch point 1, one merge point 4, and two branches (2a, 3a) and (2b, 3b).

The Dagger allows to add/delete Pipers and pipes:

dagger_instance.del_piper(``Piper`` or piper_id)
dagger_instance.del_pipers(pipers or piper_ids)

The id of a Piper is a run-time specific number associated with a given Piper instance. This number can be obtained by calling the built-in function id:


This number is also shown when a Piper instance is printed.:

print piper_instance

or represented:


The representation of a Dagger instance also shows the id of the Pipers which are contained in the workflow.:

print dagger_instance

The id of a Piper instance is define at run-time (it corresponds to the memory address of the object) therefore it should not be used in scripts or saved in any way. Note that the lenght of this number is platform-specific and that no guarantee is made that two Pipers with non-overlapping will not have the same id. The resolve method:

dagger_instance.resolve(``Piper`` or piper_id)

returns a Piper instance if the supplied Piper or a Piper with the supplied id is contained in the dagger_instance. This method by default raises a DaggerError if the Piper is not found. If the argument forgive is True the method returns None instead:

dagger_instance.resolve(missing_piper) # raise DaggerError
dagger_instance.resolve(missing_piper, forgive =True) # returns None

The Dagger run-time

The run-time of a Dagger instance begins when it’s start method is called. A Dagger can only be started if it is connected. Connecting a Dagger means to connect all Pipers which it contains as defined by the pipes in the Dagger. After the Dagger is connected it can be started, starting a Dagger means to start all it’s Pipers. Pipers have to be started in the order of the data-flow i.e. a Piper can only be started after all it’s up-stream Pipers have been started. An ordering of nodes / Pipers of a graph / Dagger which has this property is called a postorder. There are possibly more then one postorder per graph Dagger. The exact postorder used to connect the Pipers has some additional properties

  • all down-stream Pipers for a Piper (A) come before the next Piper (B) for which no such relationship can be established. This can be thought as maintaining branch contiguity.
  • such branches can additionally be sorted according to the branch argument passed to the Piper constructor.

Another aspect of order of a Dagger is the sequence by which a down-stream Piper connects multiple up-stream Pipers. The inputs cannot be sorted based solely on their postorder because the down-stream Piper might be connected directly to a Piper to which one of it’s other inputs has been connected before. The inputs of a Piper are additionaly sorted so that all down-stream Pipers come before up-stream Pipers, while Pipers for which no such relation can be established are still sorted according to their index in the postorder. This can be thought of as sorting branches by their “generation”.

You could think of a workflow as an imap function composed from nested imap functions i.e.:

# nested imaps as pipelines
pipeline = imap(h, izip([imap(f, input_for_f), imap(g, input_for_g)]))

This is a pipeline of 3 functions f, g, h. Functions f and g are upstream relative to h. Because of the izip function input_for_f and input_for_g have to be of the same lenght.

A started Dagger is able to process input data. The simplest way to process all inputs is to zip it’s output Pipers:

output_pipers = dagger_instance.get_outputs()
final_results = zip(output_pipers)

If any of the Pipers used within a Dagger uses an NuMap instance and the Dagger is started. The Python process can only be exited cleanly if the Dagger instance is stopped by calling it’s stop method.

The Plumber

The Plumber is an easy to use interface to PaPy. It inherits from the Dagger object and can be used like a Dagger, but the Plumber class adds methods related to the “run time” of a pipeline. A Plumber can start/run/pause/stop a pipeline and additionally load and save a workflow (not implemented) A PaPy workflow is loaded and saved as executable Python code, which has the same priviliges as the Python process. Please keep this in mind starting workflows from untrusted sources!

The additional components

Those classes and functions are used by the core components, but are general and might find application in your code.

  • DictGraph``(``Node) - Two classes which implement a graph data-structure using a recursively nested dictionary. This allows for simplicity of algorithms/methods i.e. there are no edge objects because edges are the keys of the Node dictionary which in turn is the value in the dictionary for the arbitrary object in the DictGraph instance i.e.:

    from papy import Graph
    graph = Graph()
    object1 = '1'
    object2 = '2'
    graph.add_edge((object1, object2))
    node_for_object1 = graph[object1]
    node_for_object2 = graph[object2]

    The Dagger is a DictGraph object with directed edges only and no cycles.

  • imports - a function wrapper, which allows to inject import statments to a functions local namespace at creation (code execution) e.g. on a remote Python process.