Dictionary of terms and definitions

A dictionary of terms used within the documentation.


Higher-order map function. A function which evaluates another function on all elements of the input collection.


Iterated higher-order map function. A function which evaluates another function on all elements of the input collection returning and evaluating the restuls iteratively and lazily. PaPy depends on the imap implementation provided by the standard Python imap from itertools.imap and the advanced NuMap.


A parallel implementation of a multi-task imap function, which is used within PaPy. It uses a pool of worker-threads or worker-processes and evaluates functions in parallel either locally or remotely.

Worker function

A function with a standarized input written to be used by a Worker class instance. All processing of a PaPy pipeline has to be coded as Worker functions.

worker process / thread

A thread or process inside an NuMap instance evaluating a tasklet remotely or locally.


An object-oriented wrapper for worker functions, it is rougly equivalent to a “function with partially applied arguments”.


An object oriented wrapper for Worker instances, corresponds to “worker with defined mode of evaluation”.


An directed acyclic graph (DAG) to store and connect Piper instances.


A wrapper for the Dagger designed to run and interact with a running pipeline.

input stream

The input stream is the data that enters a PaPy pipeline. The data is assumed to be a collection of items expressed as a Python iterator (or any object which has the next method).

Any sequence (e.g. a list or a tuple) can be made into an iterator using the Python built-in iter function e.g:

sample_sequence = [data_point1, data_point2, data_point3]
sample_iterator = iter(sample_sequence)

Files are by default line-iterators i.e.:

sample_file = open('sample_file.txt')
sample_file.next() # returns the first line
sample_file.next() # returns the second line

output stream

Input item saved (to disk) by an output Piper. By default the output Piper should return a None for every input item, but save the result persistently (somehow/somewhere).


A single element of the data stream.

input Piper

A Piper, which is connected to a input stream (or multiple input streams) is a input Piper. Such a Piper corresponds to a node in the graph which has no upstream nodes within the PaPy workflow or in other words has no outgoing edges in the directed acyclic graph. An input Piper is an input node in the graph representing the workflow.

output Piper

A Piper, which generates the output stream is an output Piper. A PaPy workflow might have multiple output Pipers in different places of the pipeline. An output Piper corresponds to a node in the graph which has no downstream nodes within the pipeline or in other words has no incoming edges in the directed acyclic graph. An output Piper is an output node in the graph representing the pipeline.

lazy evaluation

Is the technique of delaying a computation until the result is required.


A task is an ordered tuple of objects added to the NuMap instance it consists of:

  • a function, which will be evaulated on the input element-wise
  • an input (a list, tuple or any iterator object like an array)
  • a tuple of arguments e.g. (arg1, arg2, arg3)
  • a dict of keyword arguments i.e. {'arg1': value_1, 'arg2': value_2}

The optional arguments and keyworded arguments have to match the signature of the function. The task is iteratively split into evaluated calls in the following way:

(func, element_from_iterable, arguments, keyworded_arguments)
result = func(element_from_iterable, arguments, keyworded_arguments)


The first argument of any Worker function. The elements of the function correspond to the outputs of the upstream function in the Worker instance or to outputs of other Pipers. These outputs are defined by the pipeline topology. The contents of the inbox depend on a specific input item to the pipeline. All other arguments of a worker function are predetermined.

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